
New Moon Ritual

New Moon Ritual

Connect with your intuition and set your monthly intentions

During the New Moon, a new moon cycle begins. The moon is “resting” in it’s darkness, sitting right between Earth and Sun in its monthly earth orbit.

This is your time to plant seeds and set intentions for the next month, harnessing the calm, trusting energy of the dark moon. Use the New Moon ritual below to go inward, trusting this intuitive, new moon energy. Listen to your heart, and let the universe know what you desire of the month to come. It’s helpful to imagine what it will feel like when your goals become reality, and only set intentions that you believe can manifest. This is how we harness the energy of the moon, cycling inwards during the new moon, trusting, connecting with our intuition.

Enjoy the new moon, moon lovers. Welcome the miracles to come!

You will need:

  1. Palo Santo Smudge Stick

  2. Smudge Bowl (not required, but safety first)

  3. Matches

  4. A quiet space

New Moon Ritual:


Set up your ritual space and cleanse your energy with smoke from your palo santo smudge stick.


Get centered, relax into your breath, connect to the earth below and moon above.


Ask yourself “What do I truly want from my life in this moment?” Allow time to listen, staying in the present moment.


Craft a simple, positive phrase that embodies the vision you have for your next month to come. Some examples:

I am healthy and strong ~ I radiate confidence ~ I am open to receive.

Repeat your intention, aloud or in your head, for at least one minute. Feel it, know it, be grateful for it.


Finish by thanking the universe for all the gifts you are yet to receive. Repeat your mantra daily and anytime you need a positive energy boost.

What does your new moon ritual look like? If you tried ours, please let us know how it went!

Love + Light, Moon Lovers!

Cat BrantleySister Moon Studio